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Entries with the uitableview tag

Pull request Add collection view batch updates on composed-swift/ComposedUI

The idea of this is that without breaking the API the collection view will batch updates.

Inserting a large number of sections is the main area of performance loss we are currently encountering, because the sections are inserted individually and not batched. This change alone has reduce the initial load time of one our screens (which has 100-150 sections added at once) from 30-45 seconds down to less than a second (at least it is not noticeable).

I had created to try and address this, which has the advantage that it would apply to other view types (e.g. UITableView), but I believe does not offer the same performance improvements and it is restricted to a single ComposedSectionProvider.

This is a draft to collect feedback; as you can see there are some TODOs but I think there's enough implemented to provide an overview of the changes that would be required to implement this.

This does not currently work; there are situations that cause the collection NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid update error. I have some failing tests that demonstrate what the result should be.