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Release Notes
- Fixed bug in iOS 10 preventing exporting recording to CSV
- Updated Microphone data source to not pause audio from other apps
- Added link in Settings to the permission settings for Gathered, allowing for easy toggling of permissions
- Updated versions of frameworks
- Fully removed iAds, relying on only AdMob for adverts
- Replaced Device’s "Headphones Attached" with "Audio Output Method"
Release Notes
- Recordings can now be exported to JSON and CSV (this includes those recorded on older versions of Gathered)
- Added analytics to help aid future development
- Fixed "Thank you for your support! ☺️" line in Settings after buying all In App Purchases having a disclosure indicator
- Fixed GPS data source crashing on iOS 7
- Fixed In App Purchase related rows on the Settings tab not being refreshed after moving away from the Settings screen
- When a recording is exported to a file, the file name has "Gathered-Recording-" prepended to it now